Set Timer

Set Timer or Alarm for 100 Seconds

Set Timer for 100 Seconds or set an alarm for 100 seconds from now online. Stay on track with our 100 Seconds Timer clock tool featuring a full-screen display and ringtone alert.

Click the 'Start' button to start the countdown!


Next Timer Durations: 101 Seconds | 102 Seconds


Time's Up!

The timer has reached 0. Click the button to stop the timer's ringtone.

How to Set a Timer for 100 Seconds with Alarm Music

Setting a timer is easy with our simple interface. Just follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Start button to start the 100-second countdown.
  2. If you need to pause the timer, simply click the Stop button to temporarily stop the countdown. You can restart the timer by clicking the Start button again.
  3. To reset the timer to 100 seconds, click the Reset button.

If the timer reaches zero, a popup will appear. To stop the timer's sound, just click the Stop Timer button inside the popup.

Image about set timer for 100 seconds

Set a for a specific time